Are you ready to sharpen your knowledge and learn event management more in-depth? Would you like to gain event industry exposure? Would you quickly like to gain skills required to do event management? We thought so! We are happy to announce that we are soon going to...
‘Virtual Excellence,’ something we’re all struggling to master in such pressing times. Having to balance a home-work environment has never been more necessary and challenging at the same time. Now that the outside world is taking a backseat, it comes down to having...
STARTING SOON: team.i Event Education Series We are delighted to announce that team.i is launching ‘team.i Event Education Series’. Through these series , we are going to focus on deep learning of the subject everyday to best utilize the time we have today, to benefit...
How Event Management Aspirants and Students Can Make Best Use of This Quarantine Period With the novel coronavirus spreading rapidly across the world and a lot of governments, businesses, and universities have now come under severe pressure. As the situation develops,...