+91 99019 98899 enquiries@teami.org

Starting Soon : team.i Bootcamps

Are you ready to sharpen your knowledge and learn event management more in-depth?

Would you like to gain event industry exposure?

Would you quickly like to gain skills required to do event management?

We thought so!

We are happy to announce that we are soon going to conduct ‘Bootcamps‘ covering various event management topics

Speakers from various fields of the event industry will be sharing with you their experience and knowledge of having worked in the industry for years now

 These bootcamps are all about execution and transformation, not just information.

 As the word ‘Bootcamp’ refers to a stimulating learning experience over the course of a few days, these can be quite rigorous as they will be  equivalent to a year’s worth of learning.

 There will be 2 or more sessions for each bootcamp

 We will be announcing the dates and other details very soon so be sure to look out for the updates on our blog or social media channels

 Stay Home, Stay Safe

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