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I embarked on my exciting journey in event management at team.i back in October, and the experience has been nothing short of incredible. The faculty at the institute has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of this dynamic field, offering us invaluable knowledge and insights on a daily basis. Neeraj sir and Arvind sir, in particular, stand out for their dedication to making our sessions both engaging and interactive, ensuring that our learning experience is as enriching as possible.

One of the highlights of my time at team.i has been the impressive lineup of guest speakers who grace our campus with their presence. Each time, they bring with them a treasure trove of experiences and stories from the world of event management, never failing to inspire and educate us. It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to learn directly from industry experts.

What sets team.i apart is the hands-on experience it provides. We’re not just confined to theory; we’re actively involved in various events on a regular basis. This practical exposure is invaluable, allowing us to apply our knowledge in real-world scenarios, which is vital for our growth and development in this field. Furthermore, the camaraderie among my classmates has been a constant source of joy. They are a diverse group of individuals, characterized by their enthusiasm, supportiveness, and a shared sense of fun. They make every day at Team.i an entertaining and memorable experience.

In conclusion, team.i has proven to be an exceptional place to kickstart a career in event management. The combination of dedicated faculty, inspiring guest speakers, hands-on experience, and a supportive peer group makes it an ideal learning environment. My journey at Team.i has been a remarkable one, and I am eagerly looking forward to what the future holds in this exciting industry.

Also Read: The Importance Of Formal Education In Event Management

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