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Top Trends In Event Planning For 2023

What a journey the year 2022 has been for the events industry, from navigating through the pandemic to breaching the barriers of virtual and physical platforms, the learning and growth has been significant. Entering into the new year, tons of research has gone into understanding what the latest trends are and could be in the months ahead.

What a journey the year 2022 has been for the events industry, from navigating through the pandemic to breaching the barriers of virtual and physical platforms, the learning and growth has been significant. Entering into the new year, tons of research has gone into understanding what the latest trends are and could be in the months ahead.

With recovering from the after effects of Covid to dealing with the economic instability within the event supply chain, the industry continues to buzz with excitement and curiosity in spite of some of these inevitable challenges in the hopes of exploring the potential of the world of events.

Here are some of the top trends you can expect in 2023

On-ground events to make a strong comeback:

Research has shown that 71% of event professionals are of the opinion that while virtual events are here to stay, they can never fully replicate the experience of on-ground events and so, we expect a substantial peak in the number of on-ground events to take place this year, even more so than what we saw in 2022.

Focusing on experience-first opportunities:

Event professionals today are looking to take their events to the next level, what with the introduction of the metaverse and the global reach that social media provides, they are expecting brilliance and impactful experiences with every event that they execute. And so, the year 2023 can be expected to focus on creating some of the best experiences which in turn will positively impact the ROI and generate global opportunities.

Environmentally conscious events:

With everyone becoming more aware about the drastic climatic changes, sustainability issues and natural disasters, there is an obvious attention being drawn towards executing more environmentally conscious events. No longer is it just an option but is slowly becoming a requirement with every event being planned. From choosing eco-friendly spaces and resources to consciously reducing waste that is generated at events, 2023 will be the year of understanding and working towards incorporating an environmentally friendly touch to each event.

Technology Integration:


With almost every function made easier with the help of technology, tasks such as ticketing, accessibility, logistical functions and other customer experience are very heavily dependent on various tools, digital platforms and software applications to help create an overall thrilling experience for the attendee. 

Maximizing Event Visibility through innovative marketing techniques:

Marketing is one of the most powerful tools that can drive an event to its full potential. The year 2023 can expect to see a substantial increase in event visibility through various marketing tools including capitalizing on social media, working with brands and influencers and reaching the right audience at the right time with the right applications.

Health and Safety measures:

Having learned the hard way, we now know that it’s better to be safe than sorry. With traces of the virus still making its rounds, the wearing of masks and maintaining sufficient social distance along with appropriate sanitation measures are now becoming the norm at every event. 


With a keen focus on tailoring the event experience and its associated activities based on individual interest, event planners are taking event personalisation to the next level. From curating custom made cocktail menus to introducing quirky themes and guest invites, the opportunity to really think out of the box has never been more exciting.

The events environment is evolving faster than ever and with the amalgamation of digital, social and physical event opportunities, the innovation and pinnacles of growth that can be reached is only yet to be discovered and 2023 is looking nothing short of promising. So here’s to a year filled with capitalizing on new trends and evolving landscapes as we navigate this rollercoaster of an industry, the world of events.

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