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The Institute Helped Ashwin To Overcome His Shyness

We are thrilled to have a wonderful conversation with our Alumni Speaker Ashwin  Satyanarayan Nimbalkaar, Business Partner and Events Freelancer at Brain Studio, a platform that provides “high quality knowledge and skills to children”.
Ashwin comes with 8 years of experience in Event Industry and with a repertoire of incredible work experiences some including handwriting analyst, Rubik’s Cube trainer, Senior Graphic Designer at Nature Education Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Designer Associate at Tesco HSC and Event Manager at The Epoch.

How was his journey with the institute?

Ashwin’s mother encouraged him to join the event field, as he was always interested in cultural activities, dancing from his childhood. And he was also Cultural Secretary in his School. So, that’s how he joined the Institute and under the Guidance of Arvind J Sabhaney his journey started in Events.Then he got selected for RadioIndigo after many interviews and then the Journey went ahead.

Can you tell us memorable events that you have been part of?

Ashwin has worked with many events but the memorable one is when he was working with RadioIndigo, where the venue was very challenging and  it took them over 12 hours to shift the materials/resources. Ashwin and his team used to sleep there,eat and work for 3 days without going home.So, Ashwin and his team strategically planned and made the event very successful and it was an amazing fun and learning experience.

How has the Institute helped you in moulding your career?

Ashwin used to be a very introverted person but the Institute helped him to overcome it. The Institute has given us more Real life experiences, which we would never forget than theory. The theory was one aspect of our curriculum but the real time experiences, which we were being forced or pushed to learn. Made us a better person today.”

What is his take on 2022?

“I hope for the best for the upcoming year 2022, if we don’t get to witness third or fourth wave. We will soon get back to work and we will start focusing on small events and  eventually hoping the whole event industry will get back to its normal position”.

What do you think of the upcoming college fest Event EMpulse?

Ashwin thinks it’s a great opportunity for a lot of upcoming event managers as well as for many creative students and  in this situation EMpulse would give them a lot of opportunities where they can make their dreams come true.

“Everything happens twice,once in mind  and once in reality. Whatever the students had in their mind, with the help of EMpulse they would convert it into a reality.”

A piece of advice for team.i students

Events require a lot of patience and without patience it’s very difficult to do Events.And there is no word called NO in Events Industry.”

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