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The Ethics Of Event Management: A Guide For Students

Given the vastness and diversity of the Indian Event Management industry, the cut throat competition and pressure to constantly come out on top has been a strong influencing factor among industry professionals over the last few years if not longer.

While a certain level of competitiveness goes a long way in ensuring industry standards are maintained and consistent progress is made, understanding where to draw the line to carry on business in a healthy, respectful and dignified manner is what the ethics of event management is all about.

Here are some ways in which to ensure that as a considerate member of the event fraternity, you have some of the essential of event management ethics penned down for whenever you need it:

1.Ethical principles and frameworks:

Ethical principles and frameworks play a crucial role in event management, as they guide professionals in making responsible decisions and conducting events in an ethical and socially responsible manner.

Here are some key ethical principles and frameworks relevant to event management:

Respect for Autonomy:

This principle emphasizes the importance of respecting the autonomy and individual rights of all event participants, including attendees, staff, and stakeholders. Event managers should ensure that participants have the freedom to make informed choices and consent to their involvement in the event.


Event managers should strive to maximize the well-being and benefits for all stakeholders involved in the event. This principle encourages organizers to consider the positive impacts of the event on participants, local communities, and the environment, and to take actions that promote their overall welfare.


Event managers should avoid causing harm or inflicting negative impacts on participants, communities, and the environment. They should proactively identify and mitigate any potential risks or adverse consequences associated with the event, ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved.

2.Stakeholder management:

Stakeholder management is a critical aspect of event management that involves identifying, understanding, and effectively engaging with various stakeholders who have an interest or influence in the event. Proper stakeholder management helps ensure the success of the event by addressing their needs, managing expectations, and fostering positive relationships.

Here are some key considerations for stakeholder management in event management:

Understand Stakeholder Needs and Expectations:

Once stakeholders are identified, it is important to understand their needs, expectations, and concerns regarding the event. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather their input and feedback. This information will help shape event planning and decision-making.

Manage Expectations:

Clearly communicate what stakeholders can expect from the event and manage their expectations accordingly. Be realistic about what can be delivered within the event’s constraints and make sure to align stakeholder expectations with the event’s goals and objectives.

3.Sustainable event practices:

Sustainable event management focuses on minimizing the negative environmental impacts of events and promoting sustainable practices. This includes reducing waste, conserving resources, choosing eco-friendly venues, promoting responsible transportation options, and considering the long-term effects of the event on the environment.

Social Responsibility:

Incorporate social responsibility into event planning by engaging with local communities, supporting local businesses, and giving back through charitable initiatives or partnerships. Consider the social and cultural impacts of the event on the host community.

Measurement and Reporting:

Measure and track the event’s environmental impacts, such as energy consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Set sustainability goals, and report on the event’s sustainability performance to stakeholders, highlighting achievements and areas for improvement.

4.Fairness and inclusivity:

Fairness and inclusivity are essential principles in event management that promote equal opportunities, respect diversity, and create an inclusive environment for all participants. Incorporating fairness and inclusivity into event management helps ensure that everyone feels valued, respected, and has equal access to participate.

Here are some key considerations for fostering fairness and inclusivity in event management:

Diversity and Representation:

Strive for diversity and representation in event programming, including speakers, panelists, performers, and exhibitors. Consider diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive event.

Anti-Harassment and Code of Conduct:

Develop and enforce an anti-harassment policy and a code of conduct for the event. Clearly communicate the expectations for behavior and consequences of misconduct. Provide mechanisms for reporting and addressing incidents promptly and discreetly.

5.Transparency and accountability:

Event managers should prioritize transparency in their actions and decision-making processes. They should communicate clearly and honestly with stakeholders, disclosing relevant information and ensuring accountability for their actions. This includes financial transparency, ethical sourcing, and responsible use of resources.

Practice ethical sourcing of goods and services for the event, such as prioritizing suppliers with fair labor practices, environmentally friendly products, and responsible manufacturing processes. Be transparent about the event’s sustainability initiatives and commitments.

Code of Conduct:

Develop and enforce a code of conduct that outlines expected behavior for all participants. Clearly communicate the code of conduct to attendees, speakers, staff, and volunteers, ensuring they understand the consequences of misconduct and the process for reporting violations.

Performance Evaluation:

Conduct post-event evaluations to assess the success of the event and gather feedback from stakeholders. Measure key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the event’s goals and objectives. Share the evaluation results with stakeholders to demonstrate accountability and inform future event planning.

6.Legal and regulatory compliance:

Event managers must adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and insurance coverage, as well as complying with legal requirements related to health and safety, data protection, intellectual property, and accessibility.

Permits and Licenses:

Identify and obtain the necessary permits and licenses required to hold the event. This may include permits for venue usage, food and beverage service, alcohol sales, music or entertainment, fireworks, and any other relevant activities. Understand the specific requirements of the jurisdiction where the event is taking place.

Intellectual Property Rights:

Respect intellectual property rights by obtaining appropriate permissions and licenses for copyrighted material, trademarks, or other intellectual property used during the event. Avoid unauthorized use of copyrighted content, including music, images, videos, and logos.

Employment Laws:

Comply with employment laws when hiring and managing event staff and volunteers. Understand and adhere to regulations related to minimum wage, working hours, employment contracts, workplace safety, and anti-discrimination laws.

By embracing ethical principles in event management, organizers can foster trust, uphold their social responsibility, and contribute to positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes. Ethical considerations should be an integral part of decision-making processes and be integrated into the overall event planning and execution.

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