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The Art of Wedding Planning – Master Session By Prerana Saxena, The Founder and CEO of Theme Weavers Designs

Today, as we navigate the world of wedding planning, a new, progressive and more lucrative approach since the introduction of multiple virtual and digital applications, the need to be kept constantly informed, updated and made aware of the many opportunities that exist today, becomes all the more important.
team.i in collaboration with ESPOUSAL International, is proud to present a series of sessions set to be conducted by global subject matter experts over the course of a few weeks. To kick off this incredible learning initiative, on the 9th of March, 2022, we were joined by Prerana Saxena, the founder and CEO of Theme Weavers Designs to conduct a session on “Evolution of Wedding Planning”


Prerana has always been passionate about theme based event planning so much so that she truly believes that ‘Themes are all we live in,’ something that is depicted in the events she has planned that are always centered and detailed around thoughtfully designed themes. 

A few key areas that were highlighted during the course of the session included:

1) How we, as part of the event fraternity, are constantly learning with each new experience and event. The opportunities that the industry offers today are limitless, allowing for global reach and networking possibilities.

2) No two weddings are the same, creating a never ending sense of excitement and curiosity when it comes to planning and executing.

3) The evolution of the wedding sector, from when families would hold intimate weddings, taking on the task of planning and organizing the event themselves to today, seeing the incredible influence of Western culture combined with the traditions of the Indian wedding festivity.

4) The increasing need to execute weddings efficiently and at minimal cost, all while maintaining a top notch standard and delivering beyond client expectation.

5) Prerana shared several examples of her work, explaining effortlessly, the challenges faced and the learning obtained from each wedding executed.

6) The qualities required to grow and succeed as a professional wedding planner in terms of being able to incorporate the client’s vision into a well structured event plan.

7) From dealing with difficult clients to her take on the virtual wedding space, Prerana shared her thoughts, experiences and knowledge in a manner that helped the audience to not only understand but also relate to and understand.

8) The future of the wedding industry in India and abroad, its profitability and the pace at which it is evolving was another important point that was discussed in depth during the course of the session.

A session that exceeded expectations, offering us some of the best insights into the world of wedding planning, do check out the video linked here to know more about it.

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