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The 5 W’s Of Event Management

When putting together the perfect brief for a potential client, event professionals need to understand the importance of making the right pitch. Like first impressions, the initial discussion about the event can go a long way in making or breaking what can grow to become an incredible partnership.

In our latest YouTube video titled The 5 W’s of Event Management Mr. Arvind Jyot Sabhaney, our CEO addresses in depth the importance of understanding and implementing the 5 W’s of Event Management in the pursuit of presenting a successful pitch to any potential client.


Through the help of the blog post, we have summarized what is discussed in the video and we hope you benefit from it to ensure you create the perfect event pitch.

When: One of the first questions that need to be asked is, when does the client wish to execute the event? Many factors need to be considered when addressing this point as aspects such as weather forecasts, seasonal trends, the event company’s availability, supplier demand etc. directly affect the event being executed. Therefore, it is important to ensure exactly when the client is looking to have the event.

What: What is the event? is the next point of consideration. Is it a sports event, a wedding, a corporate event, a PR event or a birthday party for instance. Each event company will have a specialization that sets them apart from the competition and therefore understanding the nature of the event will allow event professionals to do their best in putting together the perfect event for their clients.

Where: Where should the event take place? Today, the platforms to execute events have come a long way. From hosting it locally to destination venues, clients will have a preference of indoor or outdoor, and as of today, even virtual events have become a reality. Understanding the venue of the event, will consider factors such as the budget, the event setup, the event team requirements etc, among other factors.


Who: Who are the target audience? Depending on the nature of the event, the who will naturally vary. Understanding the target audience is a crucial aspect of the event management brief as it allows the event professional to plan and execute the event accordingly. Aiming to meet the event objective lies primarily in the experience of the audience and so it is imperative to understand the expectations of the audience and deliver accordingly.

Why: Coming to one of the most important aspects of any event, understanding why the event is being executed in the first place. As an event professional, an event is more than just planning and executing. It is the bringing to life a vision, an idea unique to each client that means a great deal to them and so understanding ultimate objectives and catering to those needs specifically is one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of event management.

We hope that this blog has helped you get a better understanding of the main elements of putting together a brief to help you bring together a successful event.

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