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team.i announces its first-ever virtual college fest – EMpulse 2k21

‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started’ As we each continue to battle the wrath of the Coronavirus in our own ways, morale is low and inspiration is in short supply. As students, missing out on the simple pleasures of physically attending college, has definitely taken a toll on us. Fests, cultural celebrations, interacting with peers, and the learning stimulus were all a part of the experience, giving us an opportunity to grow and mold into the people we are today.
However, since the onset of the pandemic, this has come to a complete standstill and we now have to rely on virtual platforms to continue moving forward. It is during these unprecedented times that we, the 18th batch of team.i students have come up with a means with which to bring back a few of these experiences with the aim to experience all those memorable moments in college.
Here’s presenting EMpulse, a one-of-a-kind, first ever virtual, inter-collegiate event management fest aspiring event management and management students, looking to learn, network and showcase their talents. What started 8 years ago, is today coming back having gotten even better, packed full of challenging events, exciting prizes and a chance to learn. Join us on the 19th of June, 2021, to be a part of EMpulse 2021! There are going to be 3 competitions –
  1. Life Is A Son Of A Pitch!
  2. Market Mayhem
  3. An all inclusive Treasure Hunt activity
Besides these competitions, there are also going to be panel discussions and experts’ sessions EMpulse is a chance to dive right in and proactively begin your journey as an event professional today. The prizes and rewards are an added incentive to help launch your career the right way, giving you the chance to make the most of the resources and opportunities available to you. A fest that is open to all those looking to make their event management dreams come true and be a part of an inspiring, engaging and stimulating event, join us as we set out to make history with our incredible event initiative. To know more about the event, do check out our website empulse.teami.org
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