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Our Student Rashmita’s First Ever Event Experience

“Experience is the best teacher” as we all know.

To share her experience with us, we have one of our very own students from team.i, RASHMITA.

Rashmita is a student of the ‘19 batch that is going to start in June of this academic year.

Having already begun with the pre-classes she was given the opportunity to be a part of the IKFW – INDIAN KIDS FASHION WEEK that took place between the 4th and 7th of March of 2021.

At team.i, our focus has always been towards creating event professionals of the future. From developing their overall understanding of the industry to helping them identify their strengths and weaknesses, we prepare them for the real world of event management.

The pre-classes were a new introduction to the curriculum since the onset of the pandemic back in March of 2020 to continue providing quality education to our students.

Apart from online classes, industry specific webinars and live Instagram sessions with industry experts are ways in which we have been able to make the students aware of the changing market environment and structure during and post the pandemic.

Students see this as an opportunity to not only continue their education during these uncertain times but also to learn and prepare themselves for when the market opens.

The IKFW- The Indian Kids Fashion Week is an initiative to revolutionize the fashion scene for children in the country and to provide a platform for both designers and children to showcase their talent and style on a national level.

By helping to nurture individual talent and identity, they wish to tap into the potential of future fashion influencers and role models.

Rashmita’s knowledge of events stemmed solely from her days spent organising events in school and college up until she experienced her first ever corporate event.

Walking into this new world of event management, she didn’t think it would be any different, “Yeah it’s all the same.. Handle people, give a few of them some tasks and you sit in a corner and instruct them”is what she, like most people thought organising an event was like.

She has come a long way and today, can confidently say, “it is 99% research to make an event a 100% success and what the people don’t see is the research”

Having said that, here are a few special moments from the IFKW event that she shared with us.
From being a part of the Backstage crew to having to manage and interact with children ranging from toddlers to 17 year olds was a challenging first experience, one that she was equally nervous and excited for.

Each task assigned, she noticed, played a vital role in the overall success of the show with the crew sometimes having to make a stage appearance in order to support the kid walking the ramp or making an announcement.

“What I experienced can’t be put into words when one of the contestants insisted her mom take a picture of us. That was a really special moment for me and made me feel very grateful for the opportunity. There were times when the crew and I struggled to keep the children under control but by the end of the day, they are only kids and the excitement level was understandable.”
Rashmita is excited to see what else she’ll get up to during her time at team.i and we are sure she will go on to achieve great things.

We wish her the very best in all that she sets out to accomplish.

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