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How Many Clients You Will Have After This Health Crisis Goes Away?

It is not unknown to us that given the current pandemic, the economic conditions are not the best. 

While each one of us is having to deal with this fallout in our own way, businesses, both big and small are facing a big brunt of it 

There are various questions which comes to every business man’s mind like –

  • How many clients will he have after this health crisis goes away?
  • How long will it take to get the first sale ?
  • Will the sales be sustainable in the future? 
  • How will he survive another lockdown?

If these are questions even you are wondering about, there is a solution.

You can prepare today to get faster sales, with The Client Engine.

The Client Engine is a proven method that prepares you for faster sales.

We are going to do an online session on 21st April with Anoop Kurup to understand how to deal with this situation and to learn how this ‘Client Engine’ works

In this session he will take us through the step by step process to target our next sale and get clients faster. 

This will be a hands on session, with practical steps on how we can get ready for faster sales, and stop worrying about the next lockdown.

By the end of the session you will be able to learn – 

Creating strategies to accelerate sales for your business. 

Creating  a marketing message. 

Creating a marketing strategy and action plan. 

How to execute the marketing strategy in the real time 

Know about our speaker – Anoop Kurup

Anoop Kurup is a performance marketer, who believes that marketing should deliver measurable results.

He is a Chemical Engineer who became a plastics researcher and moved on to developing future technologies. Then one day in 2009 the entrepreneurial bug bit him. Since then he has started and sold one business and helped many companies grow rapidly.

He runs a marketing agency, Octopussy Consulting, that specialises in B2B services marketing.

His passion is helping small businesses grow, and wants to help a 1000 businesses earn at least a million dollars each by 2025

This being the main focus, on Tuesday, the 21st of April, we will be conducting the third session of ‘team.i Event Education Series’ via a Zoom call from 11am to 1pm.

Let us make use of this incredible opportunity to gain some clarity on the importance of better equipping ourselves for the changes in the business world once we come out of this global crisis.

You’re welcome to be a part of this incredible learning experience. 

Participation Certificates will be issued

We will keep you posted on how this session goes. 

For any queries or to enroll for further sessions , you can email us at enquiries@teami.org



The Client Engine – A topic of discussion that most businessmen and women have very frequently to discuss marketing strategies, the means to achieve optimum sales and securing loyal and long term customers.

However, as a result of the pandemic that has crippled every aspect of the global economy, from small scale businesses to industries on the whole, businessmen are naturally concerned about the wellbeing of their respective ventures.

Conducting client engine sessions is of utmost importance in such pressing times to discuss the dynamic changes that will significantly affect the profitability of businesses. 

On Tuesday, the 21st of April, team.i hosted the 3rd session of the ‘team.i event edu series’ which was presided over by Mr. Anoop Kurup. A partner at Octopussy Consultancy, Mr. Kurup has dedicated his career in helping small businesses master the art of B2B service marketing.

Over the course of 2 hours, he touched upon each and every aspect of profitable marketing with the aim to achieve greater sales while bringing in the maximum number of clients at the same time.

Some of the key points discussed include:

  • A Value Proposition Statement(VPS): This is probably the most important element of marketing as it explains the core objectives of the company. By distinguishing your product/service from that of your competitors, it can make or break your rate of sales. A simple formula was shared that helps you create the most effective VPS for your business.

  • Identifying target customers: This signifies working smartly and making the best use of your resources. Identifying the clientele base most suited to the product/service you are offering will increase your chances of better sales. A mathematical representation of ‘Profitability into Enjoyability’ is the proven technique to secure the highest scoring client.

  • Similar to the VPS, defining what makes your product or service unique and more valuable will help you work on your weaknesses and develop better quality products. Factors such as the growth rate, the frequency of breakdowns, economic rates, all influence the identity of your company. This will have a long term effect on the brand image of the business as well.

  • Making the client feel well looked after is crucial. Discussing their problems and coming up with the best solution while presenting them in a manner that will strengthen their loyalty towards your company is another important marketing strategy.

  • Utilizing every accessible platform to reach your target audience. There is no shortage in terms of the mediums that are available today to expand your reach across the globe. Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram all serve as the perfect means to achieve this objective.

  • With the kind of competition that is out there, it becomes important to categorise your product/service according to certain traits. Establishing a profit margin and consistently assessing where your services lie, how close or far away from the margin it is, gives you a better understanding of what marketing changes need to be made.

  • Another important factor to consider is the cost of marketing. While it serves as a direct means of revenue generation, it comes at a cost. Marketing costs are bound to increase when there is a shift from the must-haves to more skilled and specific assets, like skilled labor, better security etc.


  • Marketing tactics needed for both B2B as well as B2C businesses were discussed. Assessing the market of which your business is a part of, will give you a better understanding of your client and their needs and expectations.


  • Putting yourself in the shoes of your client will help you understand them better. A 5 step approach was discussed from identifying the problem, assessing the consequences to giving feasible solutions.


  • How to put across the ‘Perfect Pitch’ was explained in depth with the use of several examples. 

 A very interactive discussion was held, where all the attendees put forward their ideas and opinions and engaged in a constructive manner helping them to better grasp the points that were discussed during the session.

We concluded with a questionnaire round where Mr. Kurup answered questions, clarified doubts and ensured that our attendees had a very informative and productive discussion.

 In case you missed out on this incredible opportunity, you can click on the link  https://bit.ly/3eV1JlN to get access to the recording.

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