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Have you attended a wedding, a rock concert, or seen sports events on TV; and thought how cool it would be to manage these events? Then you should seek out a career in event management.

An event can be a simple birthday celebration, social gathering, engagement, wedding or a corporate outing or a gathering, or a large scale sports event like IPL. Anywhere we see a celebration or a gathering, it is an event.

Events and Event Managers

In fact, we might have experienced events at a very early stage during academic years in school, during annual day functions, inter-school contests, sports day celebrations, college and university level festivals. Today even offices have events that mix a bit of business with entertainment, be it an annual general meeting, exhibition, marketing campaign, promotional campaigns, conferences, product launches or even brand development activities. And if this is not enough we also sometimes attend fashion shows, cultural programs, talent hunt shows, religious gatherings, all of which and play an important role in our life.

These events are not possible without proper planning, coordination and professional management of the event. This is where event management comes in, and an event managers role is required. Event management is a multifaceted activity and the event manager need to wear many hats. From creativity to meticulous planning, relationship management, advertising and marketing, the event manager and the team plans the event and ensures the seamless conduct of the event.

A Career in Event Management

A career in event management requires mastering many skills, being creative, and have an ability to deal with problems as they arise with immense patience.

As far as an educational qualification is concerned, a specialised course in event management after 12th standard or basic graduation is required.

Some of the key skills needed for an event manager are to be sportive, on-the-go, good orator and extremely good public relation abilities. and how good you are in dealing with the various kinds of clients. Creating a good network is an extremely useful trait that you must learn to build over time and apply it sensibly depending on the work-related scenarios you encounter.

Understanding the client expectations and the deliverables is an important aspect of an event managers job. Translating client expectations into reality is where your creativity will come into focus. Right from concept building to idea formation to successful execution will decide how good or bad you are as an event manager.

Selling ideas is a tough job and as someone who makes occasions memorable, marketing stands as an important skill to acquire. Convincing clients about your ideas, and then selling the event to the audience are all part of the event managers role. Acquiring marketing skills not only enhance your ability to get better projects, it will also ensure that you are able to draw a large crowd to any event you manage.

You also need extensive organising skills to create and run successful events. You must be a meticulous planner who knows the chain of events that will follow and work along a wide range of diverse professional who will make it happen. But remember, there will always be unexpected issues. To resolve them you must be a go-getter who ensures that the targets are achieved, come what may.

You should also learn problem-solving skills., budgeting skills (finance) and forecasting skills. An event manager is someone who is a strong bundle of skills, thoughts and quick decisions. If you are someone who is keen to take this stream as a career, always be prepared to face challenges. But this is also followed by a great sense of achievement that you get when you successfully complete an event.

Acquire some basic skills

If you are clear that this is the field you want to contribute and grow, then there are some basics that you can follow and prepare yourself for the way ahead.
The essential skills required by an event management professional are in the area of public relations, creativity, marketing skills, analytical ability, organizational skills, networking and management skills.

In public relations is the ability to manage clients, their agents and the gamut of professionals that one will need to interact during the course of the event.

Creative input is one of the most important areas when an event is planned. An event professional should have a creative bent of mind and require to have the abilities from creating the concept to manage an occasion to its final delivery.

Marketing skills will help to sell the idea to clients in order and help make the event memorable.

Basically one must have the knack to solve problems quickly and also have the foresight and anticipate unforeseen issues and not panic. The organizational prepared one to carefully plan for tasks for self and for the entire team.

This industry or sector rests on the shoulders of personal networking and one must have this critical ability and utilize it when required.

Finally, one needs to have the most important skill set. It’s the ability to manage people, time, stress, clients, budgets, risks, in any situation.

If you have done your learning and are now ready to chase your dream of being an event manager, you must start applying. But even before you do that, you must ensure that the checklist mentioned below is followed and done.

  • Build a portfolio: No matter what kind of events you have done in the past, make a folder and keep event photos, invitations or any related material stored.  This will gives prospective interviewers idea as to what type of events you have managed in the past and of what scale.
  • Get recommendations: This is an industry where word-of-mouth plays a very important role. The reviews make a lot of difference and hence, you must have them handy if someone asks for it.
  • Be up to date: Pull in the best of your contacts and know what is happening in the market. Know the latest trends and interact with your peers. This will help you update your ideas and proposals that will catch the attention of your client, immediately.

Different kinds of jobs in event management

  • There are multiple jobs and roles available in the event management industry. Some of them are :
    Event planner
    Event coordinator
    Wedding planner
    Event manager
    Event organiser
    Tourist event coordinator
    Fashion event coordinator
    Sports event coordinator
    Facilities manager
    Corporate event planner

International opportunities in Event Management

With many organisations being global, corporate clients now focus on doing events that are beyond the borders as well. This has exposed so many avenues to people aspiring for event management as a career. And this has also brought in a great amount of recognition from foreign players. So, if you consistently follow your passion and deliver quality, you will definitely be able to explore higher horizons that are not restricted by geographical boundaries or cross cultures.
Whether it is foreign conferences, annual gatherings of big companies, exhibitions, there is a lot more for you to discover and conquer.

How good are the job opportunities?

As an industry, event management is extremely dynamic and is constantly changing. This means that you have to be constantly aware of what is happening and how you must enhance your knowledge to be able to offer cutting-edge solutions to your client. This in-depth understanding and your exclusive creativity will ensure that you are ahead than the rest. Music concerts, fashion shows to weddings, there is a lot happening out there. You must be quick and adaptable to change your business model and services. Not to forget that your dedication must always be focussed on giving the best-in-town memories.

What is the future scope of event management?

There is always a growing demand for professionals in the event management industry.

Given that this field is a blend of a lot of work, people always look for organisers who will be able to create unique experiences and not mere events. The route to a successful event management career is not based on the foundation of only academic laurels and certifications. It will require thinking out of the box, as no two events are the same and managing people is an art. Its also based on how you can handle pressure, take up challenges and fulfil them.

Your basic task is to plan and present an event in a novel way and that too from scratch. A successful events manager should have immense patience and insight to see right into the smallest details of the entire event management process. Focus and be goal oriented. Besides good networking skills, client management, business analytics, time management, ability to take on challenges, problem-solving skills and adjusting to rapidly changing situations are qualities essential for this role.

There is no fixed mantra to survive and excel in this cutthroat business but the only way forward is to constantly improve upon existing skills and upgrade to newer strategies.

Despite the global economic slowdown, events are one thing that has only seen larger and more spectacular shows. The event management industry has continued to grow in leaps and bounds with weddings, birthday parties, talent hunt and reality shows, fashion and cultural shows, academic and sports meet, religious functions, corporate events, conferences and similar things happening round the clock.

If one has the talent, then the avenues are many in this field. You can begin by joining an event management company or a media house that specialises in event management activities. After gaining experience one can either start working in the capacity of a freelancer or set up your own shop. Go for it. If it is your dream, chase it.

To learn more about a formal course in event management, please contact us today!

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