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Mr. Vineeth Kumar is a Mechanical Engineer from the Manipal University and a Corporate Trainer by choice. From Junior Engineers to CEOs, he has trained thousands of personnel across India

Watch the Interview with Vinith Kumar, Corporate Trainer

What is the essence of Communication in Event Management according to you?

The essence of communication in event management depends on the level at which such communication is taking place, for instance whether it is between the client and the manager, or between peers in a group.

A good listener is an effective communicator:

Unless you understand what your client requires, you will not be able to do justice to it. Similarly, unless each team member knows exactly what she/he is expected to do, no event can be successful.

Listening therefore becomes a more important component of the communication process than expression of ideas. One who listens and understands well will also communicate more efficiently and effectively. Mental and emotional connect is the essence of meaningful and successful communication.

Is there a difference in Communication from Vendors to Employees?

Definitely there is a difference. Your communication with a vendor is much like that with a client, one which is elevated to a level where your persuasive skills become the core of communication. Similar is the communication style with a vendor, demanding the approach of a public speaker. This however does not match the kind of communication that takes place between team members who are already familiar to each other.

Tips That Will Make You Influential In Communication –

What are the things that one should keep in mind in connection with verbal and written communication?

Oral and written communication are never the same.

• Written communication should not depict you to be standing on a podium and delivering a business speech. It should be a heart to heart and a mind to mind connect leading to building a good rapport.

• Written communication should always have a conversational tone. Today writing is a forgotten art. My generation had learnt it as we wrote letters.

• Written communication reflects your understanding of the issue rather than displaying your ability to persuade.

• Your choice of words and phrases, the way you weave your ideas into sentences and your body language, all these play a very significant role in verbal communication.

How do you think one can become a better Writer and Communicate Better?

Technology is the major hindrance in today’s generation being able to learn the art of verbal and written communication. From letter writing we shifted to emails, SMS and then finally to What’s App where it is really annoying to find even words like ‘thank you’ lazily written as just ‘ty’.

Similarly, in verbal communication we do not take the pain to speak complete and meaningful sentences. Unfortunately, this is not just with students but even in the corporate world. it is difficult to find many people who can write even a decent leave letter. So, to be able to write and communicate better the fundamental requirement is to be clear and precise. It is not so important to have a wonderful vocabulary as it is to be straight to the point. And if I can find words that will make me more convincing, assertive and yet sound very friendly, it will add value to my communication.

What are your tips for an aspiring Event Manager?

Every event manager, whether he likes it or not, has to be a very good communicator in order to make his ideas come true. If he could be eloquent, there could be nothing better. In his interactions with clients and team if the basics of communication are well managed, everything else will automatically fall in place. Ideas could be great but if not communicated well, cannot lead to effective implementation.

What are the few things one must watch out for in communicating with clients?

You should never allow your clients to develop a feeling that you are somebody superior. Such interactions are not an occasion for demonstrating your abilities and knowledge. You rather only need to be clear about what you need to communicate.

The client should always feel that he is an important person and not you because you need him more than he needs you. Often the fundamental mistake we make is to blow ourselves big. Just because I can speak does not mean I need to always speak. We need to only become excellent listeners. The temptation to speak should always be resisted.

How can one while talking to a client make them feel important?

Your body language should be that of a friend. It should demonstrate humility and your role clarity that you are only there to address the needs of the client and not to tell him what he needs to do. Your success lies in careful and patient listening. If you are not able to address their needs and only manage to put across your ideas, clients will fly away and they have every right to do so.

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