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An Interview with MC Avishek Das

Always on the lookout to keep pushing his limits and bring in a creative and unique approach to the table, our next guest speaker has over 7 years of experience working in the space of events and entertainment, and has hosted over 600 events and 100+ wedding shows so far. 

MC Avishek is a much loved personality in various social events and the audience enjoy watching him taking on the role of multiple character acts on stage; like “Bengali Babu” & “Simmba Pandey”. Having hosted for brands like TVS, SONY, Dell Technologies, CGI, Wells Fargo, and Rolls Royce, he makes his presence in the world of corporate events equally strong. 

Lockdown has made him a binge watcher, although giving him the time to pursue a much loved hobby that was forgotten almost a decade ago. Playing the Harmonica, popularly known as mouth organ, is something that Avishek enjoys and we look forward to hearing him share his story with us.

His Story And Why He Decided To Become An MC

Becoming an MC was never part of the plan back when Avinash began his journey with events during his college days. Looking to earn a few bucks as pocket money, Avinash got in touch with a friend who was an events promoter back then. Not long after his first event marketing stint, Avinash saw himself working as an emcee for Red Bus and since then he hasn’t looked back once. As someone who has always been a quick learner and efficient worker, Avinash soon found himself enjoying what he was doing and started exploring the field in depth. 

Since moving to Bangalore, Avinash was fortunate to meet and network with professionals from the field and from whom he learnt a great deal more about the art of emceeing and was able to better understand the various avenues it has to offer a budding and enthusiastic newbie as himself. Today, he has come a long way since then and is extremely pleased to be able to do what he loves and make a living out of it at the same time.

Why An MC?

What started as a means to fund his boyhood expenses soon turned out to be the best thing that happened to him career wise. As he progressed in the field and came to learn and experience it more, from the creative capacity it requires to the thrill of being on stage, he has come to love and crave the energy and adrenaline rush that accompanies it all. Beginning to understand his potential, change in persona and his contribution towards the field, Avinash has grown to love what he does and continues to give his best at all times. 

Qualities That He Worked On To Become A Successful MC

Currently Avinash believes that there is still a long way to go and a great deal to learn about the industry before working on being called successful on his own terms. Having a background speaking mainly Bengali, Avinash found speaking in the English language a bit of a challenge during his initial days as an emcee.

Today however, apart from having taught himself the art of mastering a captivating on-stage presence, Avisnah hosts shows in English and Hindi and is confident in his ability to cater to his audiences to surpass their expectations. Understanding the minute aspects of the art and him learning and experiencing it first-hand, today, he is working on creating his own content to cater to virtual platforms.

His Preference : Corporates Or Weddings?

While Avinash cannot pick between the two, he tells us about the contrasting formats each one follows and goes on to explain the pros and cons of each type of event. While corporates follow a more disciplined and time oriented pattern of organising events, weddings allow him the advantage of having a more free rein over the event. Today, he is working on introducing a more creative and bigger edge to corporate events to enhance consumer experiences. 

Avinash goes on to share his experience working with Arvind sir and his learning about developing a theme across an event. He has learnt a lot more about it during the lockdown and has developed a series of concepts that he is working on with an event company. 

What Does 2021 Look Like To Him

Something he believes the entire world is looking forward to knowing is what the year 2021 will have in store for us. The biggest thing is to be ready, mentally, financially, emotionally and plan well in advance. The wedding industry is already booming and clients are now looking for fresh ideas to invest in, because content is key.

Fresh, new and creative approaches are what is much needed in 2021 and he has been working on corporate and wedding content during this time. Avinash strongly believes that post March weddings and corporate events will be back making use of a more hybrid model for the future. 

His Advice To Aspiring Event And Entertainment Professionals

Avinash was generous in his advice to students looking to pursue event management and shared some truly life changing bits of advice.

“Firstly, being financially independent is important and to never just rely on one source of income. Secondly, understand the taxation system and finance structures that you operate within and spend some time learning about investments and its impacts on the financial market. Thirdly, keep learning as freshness and quality content is what looks to be the most important aspect that will dominate the event space in 2021.”

It was an absolute joy chatting with Avinash Das and getting to know his side of the business and experiences working as an established emcee. We wish him the very best of luck and success for the future.

In case you missed out on watching the live session, do check out the recording linked here or head on over to our Instagram page to watch the latest sessions.

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