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An Interview with Biplab Mahato, Visual Creator and Maker

Fascinated by the digital world, our next guest speaker is a visual creator and maker who strives to make visual images that inspire, uplift, and excite the viewer. Biplab Mahato began his journey in this industry with events and digital media, which in turn opened up a completely different course for him in his career.

Passionate about the convergence of business, art, and entrepreneurship, Biplab enjoys helping artists/musicians and startups share their message and build meaningful connections with their audience. With over 8 years of experience in the field of content marketing and digital marketing ROI, he has led several sponsorship strategies for brand marketing, music events, and corporate campus IP’s.

While these are just a few glimpses into his long journey in the industry, Biplab is constantly on the lookout for new ideas and inspiring experiences.

His Story

The name ‘Biplab’ comes from a Sanskrit word meaning, ‘Revolution’ and means a lot to Biplab in terms of its significance during the year he was born, a time when the Bihar, Jharkhand homicide was happening. In the year 2008, Biplab moved to Bangalore and went on to complete his BBM in Balwin’s college. Like every other young, curious and overwhelmed student, Biplab was unclear as to what his next step should be, career wise. Not long after, he went on to complete his Certification Program in Event Management from team.i and learnt a great deal in the process.

Very soon, he began working on quite a few exciting projects where his job consisted of visualising on-ground events on an online medium. Biplab has over the years worked with lots of designers with his first ever job being that of having to design a social media post for a company working on building their online presence. Biplab has been around since the initial years when brands and influences were striving to make an online presence in terms of social media platforms and adapting the newer concepts that were being developed.

Biplab goes on to speak about the new approaches and creatives being used and his experience working with large musical events and interacting with different mediums giving him the opportunity to explore various avenues and learn a great deal in the process.
Today, he has created his own visual identity and has started working with musicians and other artists, helping them realize their digital and visual dreams.

Biplab has also worked with dancers combining sound design with body frequency to create extraordinary content. His work has also given him the opportunity to travel a lot and today he is working with his brother on a few projects as well.
Biplab has also been working with influencers, bloggers and other creators to make better visualising content and is excited to explore new and innovative ways to do this.

Instagram vs Facebook

Biplab throws some light on the new age applications such as Instagram and Snapchat and how its usage has made Facebook take a backseat over the last few years. By including features such as Filters, Live sessions and getting people to spend more time using these apps, Instagram and Snapchat have managed to not only draw the attention of their users but ensured ways to retain it as well.

All thanks to the advancement in AI, these newer tools have made the consumption of content that much more accessible for its users worldwide. Instagram is today overly crowded to say the least with a large number of growing communities working towards establishing their brand image through collaboration and other social media engagements.

Speaking of Facebook, the application lacked this level of engagement that newer applications are offering today. Having said this, many of the older millennials still prefer maintaining their Facebook accounts to reconnect with their friends and family.

Today, content creators are working on new, innovative projects that are futuristic and are all about merging old school and new age tools and applications to create inspiring pieces of content.

Being consumed at the speed of light, online content is gradually becoming all about consumer engagement and helping influencers showcase their work and grow as professionals. Biplab has worked on some very interesting collaborations and engaged in various regions of work, from starting small to getting involved in bigger projects eventually.

His Time In Lockdown

2020 was supposed to be the year of a great many work opportunities beginning with a European tour that had to be sadly cancelled due to the pandemic. However, this did not stop Biplab and he engaged himself in a number of interesting self initiated projects over the last few months since being in lockdown.

From doing a photoshoot of his plants at home to making a series of it, to engaging in natural printing using chlorophyll, Biplab also managed to make some money doing the work he loved. He has even worked on making phone wallpapers using old archived photos and engaged in pattern visualization having been inspired by other reputed artists in their understanding of visual perceptions.

Virtual Events

Working with his brother, Biplab has curated playlists and offers it as a whole package to interested clients. During this time, he has even helped bloggers and other influencers by creating playlists and other content to compliment their work aesthetic.

2021 And His Vision

The year 2020 has affected Biplab in more ways than one but he has managed to make the most of the situation to make it work in his favour.

From having to cancel his foreign trips to corporate booking cancellations, Biplab began living a minimalist lifestyle such as rediscovering his older applications and making the most of the resources available today to create fun, new experiences.

Visual culture has come a long way over the last few months along with the idea of self sustenance and today people are looking at events in a different format while the awareness of its usages are growing tremendously. Eventually, it’ll be more about broadcasting and techniques leading to a greater digital revolution. He is positive about the coming year and with it the resurgence of the event and entertainment industry coming back bigger and better than ever before.

Parting Thoughts

Figure out your values and capabilities that are relevant to your career and your individual uniqueness and aesthetics. Take the time to understand yourself and find your own path and direction. While opportunities may seem bleak now, do not worry but work on figuring out what you want to contribute and the value you can add to the system. Do what you believe in and it will naturally take you to where you want to go
Biplab Mahato

Visual Creator and Maker

Our session with Biplab was indeed an incredible learning experience for all those who attended. From telling us about his work to his take on the new year, it was a session where we learnt a great deal about the benefits of creating content that can help launch a brand to great heights of success.

In case you missed out on attending the live session, head on over to our Instagram Account to watch the recording.

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