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How to Get Sponsorships for Events?

Sponsorship often determines the success or failure of an event.   Whom to ask and how to ask, if clear, can change the entire game. The process is a matter of research, creativity, skill and understanding of the market.

How to Ask for Sponsorships for Events?

Not all of us are good at marketing and sales. The idea of asking for sponsorship may already make us uncomfortable and not so confident.  Here are some tips to make your task easy

1. Write an Elevator Pitch for your event: You should well describe your event, the value proposition and the type of attendees in one or two sentences.

2. Clarity on potential sponsors

  • More important than how you approach sponsors is whom you choose to approach.
  • A study of different companies on social media can give you a table of prospective sponsors in order of priority.  Else you are only hitting in the dark not sure of conversion, what actually matters.

3. Work on the list:

  • If there are companies that have sponsored your events in the past, they are the first ones to begin with.
  • In case your event will be attended by the local community, then the local directory or yellow pages is handy.
  • Before starting to contact potential sponsors, it is always helpful to post it on an event sponsorship market platform.  This helps sponsors looking for events like yours find you. onspon.com  has been very useful in this regard.
  • It is very important to see that the event aligns with the company’s business area. For instance, for a sports event, your target should be companies like Nike, Adidas and so on.   At the same time, it is important to remember that such companies  may have lots of money to offer but they also receive 100s of such requests every month.  Therefore, a local sports store may be more easily approachable. You may receive funds and their sales may increase.
  • Brand rivalry can be used helpfully for sponsorship. If one food brand agrees to sponsor you, the other would automatically come up with free supplies or discounted rate for your event.
  • In the Indian context, we have seen that there could be different sponsors for each of the aspects of one event.
  • Calling up and talking to the receptionist is a blunder you will make. The person in charge of marketing   is the right person to talk to.
  • With geographically less sensitive audience, direct contact through social media platforms such as linked in would give a head start.
  • Email communication has shown better results than calling up directly.
  • Appeal tone: Your content and tone should highlight what the sponsor is going to get by sponsoring. In the email and direct conversation explain to them how sponsoring the event will help their marketing objectives.

4. Quantifiable data: In case you approach sponsors after the tickets to an event have been sold, you can present to them statistics which gives them a more concrete idea. At the same time if you are a brand the sponsor can trust for reaching the desired number of participants, then you could reach out before ticket sale.

5. Sponsorship Packages: For more amount’s companies could be offered larger advertisements at more strategic places. Advertisements are usually in the form of

  • Physical banners or signs
  • Printing the name of the company in mailers or brochures
  • Including the name of brands in reports and newsletters.
  • Including the name of the brands in press releases before and after the event
  • Sponsors could also be selling their products at the event with attractive offers and generate sales.

6. Phone or email could be followed by a well-developed sponsorship proposal.

7. Follow up should continue till you have got a very clear response.

8. In case of a negative answer, it is useful to understand the reasons in order to adjust your pitch for the future.

9. However, you cannot hit all the birds with the same stone. The strategies should be in accordance with the magnitude of the event and size of the sponsorship.

How to Get Sponsorship for an Event in India?

Sponsoring   seems to be one of the best ways to get a word out about their products and services. Now in India too sponsorship is a culture. Today companies in different sectors such as health care, engineering, and IT are all sponsoring events of different types and sizes.   Let us have a look at the top 10 companies sponsoring events in India.


  1. Google India: It is sponsoring several technology related events.
  2. Amazon Web Services: It is a provider of OnDemand cloud computing platforms.
  3. Ernst and Young-EY: They sponsor a range of events including those in health care.
  4. Deloitte: Real Estate, technology and business, all are their areas.
  5. JP Morgan: Charity, art and culture are there area:
  6. Microsoft: Who does not know this huge supporter of innovation in technology.
  7. IBM: Nobody will help you leverage the internet better.
  8. Chase:  Meet them if your event is about giving back to the community.
  9. McDonalds Local, national and international sports, they are with you
  10. Puma: This could be another target if yours is a sports event.

These are just few from the daily expanding list of sponsors in the country.

The important things for you to  keep in mind are:

  1. Have a very well-developed website
  2. Make optimum use of all social media platforms such as facebook, Instagram, twitter and so on.
  3. The person or team handling sponsorship should have excellent networking and communication skills.

Sponsorship Ideas, Examples: 

Today is the age of innovation. The old style handing out logos and branded products alone may not work.  It is important to make the sponsors feel that it is worth investing in the event.  The designing of an event must take care of

  1. Why people attend an event
  2. Needs of your sponsor

The event design should be apt to provide the best experience   to  both sponsors and attendees.

Go through 5 such ideas:

1.Offside networking parties: These provide opportunities for the much needed face to face interaction for business development. Businesses find  them much fun and purposeful.

2. Event Apps: Even if the size of the event is small, todays crowds are tech savvy and interested in details. Sponsors too appreciate to provide these because of the valuable data they could acquire.

3. Health and fitness activities: These could be used to fill up the breaks during the event and provide the sponsors sufficient opportunities to connect with audience. Small pills of meditation or relaxation will also fill in the desired energy  after the crowd is back to tasks.

4. Social media display: This could be included in the sponsorship package.  The sponsors could easily add their posts and tweets to the regular circuit.

5. Charging stations: Branded charging stations will always be remembered by attendees as they run out of battery while on social media, , checking mails or booking transport back home.  While the mobile is charging, they could be given leaflets, brochures and product samples making best use of the opportunity.


What do Sponsors Get in Return?

It is not just you who is benefited by getting your event sponsored. It is an equal deal for the sponsors to enhance and expand their business.  They get a Return on Investments.

  • Brand visibility: Sponsoring events means creating an image and obviously winning new customers, even those who may not have heard about this brand. When customers see that your business is profitable, they believe that the brand will deliver up to their expectations. Due to the extensive media coverage before, during and after the event, the business gets heightened recognition.
  • One-to-one interactions: This helps businesses provide relevant product information and solutions
  • Consumer perceptions: Sponsoring an event is a great opportunity to change existing perceptions and build newer ones about their business and products.   Association with big events builds brand image and identity.
  • Generating leads: Within less time more number of leads are generated as there is a personal connect.  Most of the time there is access to a database of those attending in advance which could be harnessed later.
  • Direct sales: Many a times sponsors have a booth or a stall for selling their products directly.
  • Goodwill: If the business supports community and is directly involved in positive work, it is bound to grow.   A worthy cause wins them media attention and support.
  • Content strategy: Associating with events provides material for content themes and hashtags. Social media material prepared by those sponsored provides a huge boost to marketing.
  • Post event reports: These prove to share valuable market research insights.
  • New partnerships: An event is a great opportunity for the sponsoring businesses to  build new relationship towards further growth and expansion.

The Entertainment and Media Institute Bangalore takes care of event sponsorship as  as integral aspect of  its  training curriculum. Have a look at www.teami.org




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